What to Expect
The BioEnergetic Assessment will be done using an electrodermal screening machine. Electrodermal screening (EDS) is a diagnostic method used in alternative medicine. By measuring the skin's electrical resistance, electrodermal screening is said to detect energy imbalances along meridians (invisible lines of energy flow in traditional Chinese medicine). More information can be found on our BioEnergetic Assessment page.
EDS allows us to see which systems and organs in your body are balanced, which are stressed, and which are weakened. We can only assess what your body is ready to work on.
Initial appointments will assess the entire body, check client supplements and initiate health building protocol individually suited to their body. After about 4 weeks of following a suggested change or protocol, a follow-up appointment will allow us to see how your body is responding. If your body has responded to the changes in your life, it may be ready to work on another layer of healing, which would show up in the follow-up screening. Follow-up appointments include: non-invasive sensitivity/allergy screening, program checks, toxicity screening, etc. Each time we reassess after following your body’s lead on what it needs to heal, another layer of the core problem may come into focus. We can only work on what your body is ready to work on, and each time, it may give us something new or tell us to continue on with the current plan. It is important to make a commitment: commit to listening to your body, work toward healing it, and to follow through with at least two follow-up appointments. Remember our goal is not to cover up symptoms but instead to heal the core of the problem. As we work to re-balance your system one layer at a time, we are led by your body to the core of its problem.
Appointment Options
You can work with me remotely by mailing samples for me to scan, and I can call you with your results. Samples could be hair, nails, or cheek swab of each person. Directions will be given on how to prepare the samples. If there are products that I recommend for your situation (oils, homeopathy, flower essences, etc) that you would like to purchase, I can mail them to you or you can pick them up in person. Contact me if you would like to mail samples, and I can provide you with more information at that time.
In-person appointments are also welcome. You can expect an initial appointments to take 1 to 1.5 hours and each follow-up appointment to take 1 to 1.5 hours. Appointments are non-invasive and include you physically contacting a BioEnergetic Testing machine. Contact me if you would like to make an in-person appointment. Located in St. Cloud, MN
o $125 for the initial 1.5 hour appointment, which includes a full body assessment, and thorough case-taking.
o $100 for the initial 1.5 hour appointment for all immediate family members of a current client.
o $75 for follow-up, 1 to 1.5 hour appointments. This includes reassessments and allergy testing.
o $60 for follow-up, 1 hour to 1.5 hour appointments for children ages 10 and under. This includes reassessments and allergy testing.
o $40 for follow-up 15-30 minute Bach Consultation, remedy adjustment, and refill.
Accepted forms of payment are cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal & Venmo. A $30 fee will be charged for all returned checks.