Individualized care for your whole family

If you struggle with puzzling health issues and seek guidance in alternative healthcare options, you are in the right place.

Using BioEnergetic Assessment, we can help you find the root of the health issues you may be feeling, so we can address a problem at its core rather than suppressing the symptoms of the root issue. In this way, The Natural Approach has helped many parents support their babies and young children when they were showing symptoms but the parents did not know how to help them. By tuning in to what your body is ready to work on, you can restore - and sustain - optimal health and wellness.

The Natural Approach can help your whole family by meeting each individual’s needs.

Kim, Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP), IHT Certified BioScanMSA Practitioner


BioEnergetic Assessment

Combining the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, biofeedback, and modern technology


Homeopathy, oils, flower essence

Supporting your body in restoring its natural balance using a holistic approach


Flexibility in Appointments

In-person appointments and mail-in sample appointments with phone consultations are available.